The Existential Threat of Afar in Eritrea and the Policies and Practices of the PFDJ 25 years
Video presentation by Ahmed Youssouf Mohamed
Bay Area, California (USA) - May 2016
Eritrean Afar State in Exile
الدولة العفرية الإرترية في المنفى
Eretriyah Qafarih Rakaakayih Doolatay Dabbol Geytinta
Restoring the Dignity of the Eritrean Afar People
Conference announcement
Second EANC Congres 2016
Brussels (Belgium) | Thursday, September 1st, 2016
EANC Massoynak 2-Haytoh Coboxu
Baljikak Bruxelles Magaalal Khamissi Ayro September Alsak 1, 2016